BayesStripAlign 2.0 is available now and comes with an illustrated manual.
Fast & accurate large scale swath alignment in difficult situations for the most advanced airborne scanners! The new version overcomes most limitations of the previous version and adds many new features while improving performance.
New features include:
- No flight line geometry restrictions, use all swath overlaps
- Effective relative accuracy improvement AND minimal absolute error
- High frequency trajectory/attitude drift corrections up to 2 Hz
- Multi-channel capability for scanners such as Riegl *1560
- Large-scale and complex projects: use groups and reference strips
- 3D error analysis, vector images, stats

Follow these instructions for a free 30-day trial!
(full software, time limit only, no production during trial period)
The manual can be downloaded freely, it highlights all the new features, lists all commands and options and also contains many command line examples. It contains hyperlinks, very convenient (requires Acrobat or navigation-enabled viewer).