A new version of our efficient waveform processing software was released on 11/5/18. Version 1.1 beta can now process SDF files directly from Riegl scanners 560, 680, 780 and even 1560! (Riegl export to SDF required for V-line scanners)
Here are the new capabilities and added features:
- Direct decoding of Riegl SDF files (scanner types 560 to 1560)
- Single pass decoding, processing, georeferencing, LAS output
- Automatic MTA (multiple times around) resolution
- Optimal pre-calibrated sensor parameters
- Channel fusion and pulse ordering
More info on the BayesWavEx page including link to PDF documentation.
- Fast processing without intermediate files: supply a list of SDF files, the PO file (trajectory and attitude data) and optional geometric calibration data and the LAS/LAZ 1.4 files, LASindex and stats are automatically generated.
- Compatible with StripAlign
- Scan options to quickly diagnose issues without actually extracting returns
- Fast extraction options to generate point clouds for visual inspection
- Optional on the fly georeferencing, all Transverse Mercator projections supported, feet or m
Example of extraction from SDF (collected in Portugal in 2011), color-coded elevation and intensity overlay, 1 cm rel. accuracy on flat surfaces:
BayesWavEx 1.1 beta released!