Niche lidar software supplier celebrates 10th birthday – LiDAR MAGAZINE Volume 15 Issue 1, Feb 2025

from “Celebrating Lidar Worldwide” by Dr. A. Stewart Walker (columns section)

Geo Week marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the boutique French company, BayesMap Solutions8. On page 28, we offer an article by founder and president Dr. André Jalobeanu. He writes as if he is interviewing himself, allowing him to reveal some of the motivation behind the creation and development of his company and explore aspects of the technical side. Those of us who grappled, with varying degrees of success, with Bayesian inference during undergraduate statistics courses, can but admire how this penetrating approach is devastatingly effective when applied to lidar data. Many firms in the U.S. and beyond use BayesMap software for lidar strip alignment, but other major capabilities are also available.

The magic of Bayes